The other name for this place is a Bold Hill, it is my favourite for riding a small motorbike.
According to some ancient books this hill was a meeting place for a
witches and it is written in same books that all witches live in Kiev.

A few centuries ago, a belt of ramparts was
created around this hill and since then place was closed for witches or
any other visitors and was used for storing gun powder. Later it was
included in Kiev's fortified area as storehouse for arms.
Now, this place is completely abandoned and everyone can look what was behind of ramparts.

Bored guards occupied themselves with scratching on bricks.

Before revolution it was an execution place.
Russian prime minister, the hard liner Petr Stolypin sent many to the gallows here. We even got this saying- to put a stolypins necktie on someone.
In 1911 Stolypin was killed in Kiev's theater when young man named Bagrov shot him in during intermission.
In circles of anarchists Bargov was known as Bourgeois. It is because his dad was rich property-owner. No one know, what was the motivations of this murder. Bagrov himself had no time to explain, he was brought to this yard and ended with stolypins necktie on him.
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